Wow! What a great start to the fundraising - thanks to all those brilliant, generous friends who've already put their virtual hands in their virtual pockets and donated to The Leicester Children's Holiday Centre.
We've reached 22% of our £500 target on Day 1 and with Gift Aid that takes the total donated to £141.03.
Nic is brimming over with the next round of ideas to keep up the momentum, so expect to hear from her soon!!!
Thanks again, and remember to keep up to date at http://www.justgiving.com/Sandra-Moran
It's the morning after and we've gone up to 27% - yippeee. All inhibition is now gone and I'm sending out the blog link wider and wider - just met you? then you'll get it ... what the hell? Just pay us some money!
Oh and we've got our own PR company on to promotion ... Lincolnista thanks Dean .... so watch this space!
what the heck are you doing? from james xx
good luck and hope nothing bites you! love Jessica xxx
Dear James and Jess, thank you for your comments! Now get Mummy to take off her dementia blog! lots of love and see you tomorrow at nanas.
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