After a bit of a lull on the fundraising front we've had another spurt of activity including a fantastic donation of £100 from a very modest Jonathan Smith of Online Safety Solutions. Jon provides H&S management support for us here at Belvoir and does a brilliant job with a great sense of fun at the same time (perhaps unusual in H&S?) You'll note his subtle sense of humour in the message he's left with his donation.
I'm not even going to start crowing about my batting average v Nicola - I'm really not very competitive you know!Mandy Delaine Smith of Bourne Outdoor Pool has already promised us free entry on Sunday for the 3 Lidos 3 Miles Challenge - we will put this in the pot for fundraising and thanks to Mandy.

I had a sneak preview at this BEAUTIFUL pool, was DESPERATE to dive in ... almost persuaded Mandy to let me in to "clean out the filters"
Come along and join us if you can Sunday 30th, should be fun!